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UTG Europe GmbH
Am Bahndamm 7, 63683 Ortenberg, Germany
Tel. +49 6041 969686-0
Fax. +49 6041 969686-66

Location: Home/Optics/Brand/SCP-T169

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Item No.:
Detail Information:
  • Mil-Dot Range Estimating:

  • Mil-Dot Range Estimating Example:

  • For example, based on past experiences, the length of a known animal from shoulder to tail is 40 inches (1.016 meters), and we see through a scope at, for example, 9X to find that the animal occupies 9 mils. Therefore, the distance can be derived from using the following formula -
  Height or Width of Target in Meters x 1,000   Magnification  

= Range in Meters (1 M = 1.0936 Yards)
Height or Width of Target in Mils   10  
Name:Ritchard MarkelzOccupation:Sr. Director - Entertainment SoftwareAddress:Temecula, CADate:March, 2010
“Excellent Product I placed a SCP-T169 on my Colt M4 22lr and it was amazing - right out of the box, needed some sighting. Put 350 rnds through on the first day and still hitt metal targets at 25yds. Keep up the great work, it is hard to find this kind of quality at such an affordable price. I would be willing to test any of your scopes on my STG58C .308 :).“
Name:Joseph GoldenOccupation:Radio TechnicianAddress:Pomona, CADate:October, 2009
“I purchased the scp-t-169 model for my stag arms 6.8mm spc ar-15 carbine rifle. It works great. I shoot standing , bench and prone w/ bipod (the main one I prefer)to 100 yards as well as hunt out to 100 yards prone position. A couple of weeks ago I went hunting wild boar to see what the scope can really do. I shot a 160 pound boar In the the prone shooting position w/bipod. Took him down at 80 yards (using a rangefinder) one shot in the chest cavity. The optics are very clear. I used hornady 110 gr. v-max ammo by the way. Good scope all around for the price. I posted a pic shooting at the range after the scope was dailed in.”
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UTG Europe GmbH
Am Bahndamm 7, 63683 Ortenberg, Germany
Tel:+49 6041 969686-0 Fax:+49 6041 969686-66
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